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support fireの例文


  • Occasionally, she also provided support fire for the rebel troops inland.
  • During Operation  Flintlock, she screened transports and provided rapid close support fire.
  • Instead, he was sent as support fire complement with Fahrenheit.
  • But Zullinger said the investigation did reveal enough information to support firing the teacher.
  • After the landings, she provided interdiction, illumination, and support fire.
  • The 2001 version featured, among other things, extensions to support fire / life-safety systems.
  • Missile launchers are examples of support fire weapons.
  • We are basically opening up voids to support fire department and government search and rescue operations,
  • Artillery and aircraft continued to lend support fire.
  • Some ground fire was heard, but it was unclear if this was anti-aircraft or support fire.
  • Pre-invasion shore bombardment followed, and after the landings on the 21st, she provided support fire and call fire.
  • During the next week, she provided pre-landing barrages and support fire for operations against Burton, Berlin, and Beverly islands.
  • The infantry support fires could then safely reach along roads far inland, blowing German tanks into " scrap ".
  • Kuchma, who approved the deal in September, said that he would support firing government ministers who opposed the plan.
  • Independent insurance agents / brokers that sell Fireman's Fund products direct these grants to support fire stations in their communities.
  • They can only participate if one of the units equips another weapon class : short-range, long-range, or support fire weapons.
  • Tony picks up Chase first, and pilots the chopper to have Chase provide support fire for Jack before picking him up.
  • Support fire weapons are indirect fire weapons; they can never be counterattacked, but have limited ammunition supply and minimum firing ranges.
  • Support fire from the LCSs partially suppressed moderate German tracer fire from the flanks and the commandos were able to progress.
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